dcs package


dcs.chimes module

class dcs.chimes.CLICommand

Bases: object

Chebyshev Interaction Model for Efficient Simulation (ChIMES)

static add_arguments(parser)

Sets up command line to run Chimes i.e. recognize arguments and commands.


parser (argparse): Arguments to be added.

static run(args)

Runs chimes function using command line arguments.


args (argparse): Command line arguments added to parser using the function add_arguments.

dcs.chimes.chimes(trajfile=None, b2=12, b3=8, T=5)
Calculates force difference between DFT and DFTB (training set),

and fits the Chebyshev polynomials coefficients. Creates 3-chimes folder (inside 0-train directory) and writes params.txt file.


trajfile (list, optional): Trajectory file (ist of atoms objects) output from md simulation. Defaults to None. b2 (int, optional): Second body order of Chebyshev polynomial. Defaults to 12. b3 (int, optional): Third body order of Chebyshev polynomial. Defaults to 8. T (int, optional): Temperature for simulation in Kevin. Defaults to 5.

dcs.chimes.dftb_fmatch_input(T, frame)
Runs DFTB force calculations using frame from DFT;

calculates the force difference between DFT and DFTB. Creates a list with the chemical symbols, atomic positions, and force differences.


T (int): Temperature for DFTB simulation. frame (list): ASE atoms object with atomic positions, forces, energies, etc from DFT calculation.


list: Contains the chemical symbols, atom positions, and difference in DFTB and DFT forces.

dcs.chimes.fm_setup_input(nframes, b2, b3, setsymbols, smax)

Writes force match setup input file (fm_setup.in) with given arguments.


nframes (int): Number of trajectories. b2 (int): Second body order of Chebyshev polynomial. b3 (int): Third body order of Chebyshev polynomial. setsymbols (set): Chemical symbols. smax (float): Half of the minimum cell length.


Runs chimes_lsq binary and creates A and B matrices (A.txt, B.txt). Runs lsq fitting process and writes ChIMES coefficients to params.txt.

Runs dftb_fmatch_input command for each trajectory, n processes at a time.

Returns tuple with trajectory information.


T (int): Temperature for DFTB simulation.

tuple: (nframes, setsymbols, smax)

nframes (int) - Number of ASE atoms object. setsymbols (set) - Chemical symbols. smax (float) - Half of the minimum cell length.

dcs.chimes.rdf(smax, pair)
Finds the radial distribution function for elements defined in pair.

Analyses the RDF, and determines the min and max distances in a atomic pair interaction. Returns a tuple with mlambda, rmin and rmax.


smax (float): Half of the minimum cell length. pair (list): List with two chemical symbols of a pair interaction, e.g., [‘C’, ‘H’]

tuple: (mlambda, rmin, rmax)

mlambda (float) - Morse lambda factor rmin (float) - Minimum distance considered in a atomic pair interaction. rmax (float) - Maximum distance considered in a atomic pair interaction.


Writes MD input file (run_md.in) if it does not exist in folder.


folder (str): Directory that contains params.txt file.


Exception: Raises exception if there is no params.txt file in folder.

dcs.main module


Looks up ase_main function, sets up command line.

dcs.md module

class dcs.md.CLICommand

Bases: object

Molecular dynamics with constant temperature

static add_arguments(parser)

Sets up command line to run molecular dynamics with constant temperature i.e. recognize arguments and commands.


parser (argparse): Arguments to be added.

static run(args)

Runs md function using command line arguments.


args (argparse): Command line arguments added to parser using the function add_arguments.

dcs.md.md(optgeo=None, calc='vasp', T=300, md_size=[1, 1, 1], steps=5000, time_step=1, dump_interval=100)

Runs molecular dynamics simulation using vasp or castep (Creates 2-molecular_dynamics folder inside 0-train)

Args: optgeo (NoneType, optional): Optimized geometry file, only true if optgeo defined. Defaults to None. calc (str, optional): Specifies calculator. Options are ‘vasp’ or ‘castep’. Defaults to ‘vasp’. T (int, optional): Simulation temperature. Defaults to 300. md_size (list, optional): Size of supercell. Defaults to [1,1,1]. steps (int, optional): Maximum number of ionic steps. Defaults to 5000. time_step (int, optional): Md time step in fs. Defaults to 1. dump_interval (int, optional): Step size of frames to be saved in the trajectory file. Defaults to 100.

Raises: NotImplementedError: If calculator other than vasp or castep specified.

dcs.md.run_castep_md(atoms, T, steps, time_step, dump_interval)

Runs castep md calculation on atoms for specified intervals.


atoms (list): Atoms object involved in calc from ASE. T (int): Initial and final simulation temperature. steps (int): Maximum number of ionic steps, defines the total simulation time. time_step (int): md time step in fs. dump_interval (int): Step size of frames to be saved in the trajectory file.

dcs.md.run_vasp_md(atoms, T, steps, time_step, dump_interval)

Runs vasp md calculation on atoms for specified intervals.


atoms (list): Atoms object involved in calc from ASE. T (int): Initial and final simulation temperature. steps (int): Maximum number of ionic steps, defines the total simulation time. time_step (int): md time step in fs. dump_interval (int): Step size of frames to be saved in the trajectory file.


dcs.oclimax module

class dcs.oclimax.CLICommand

Bases: object

Run OCLIMAX simulations

static add_arguments(parser)

Sets up command line to run OCLIMAX i.e. recognize arguments and commands.


parser (argparse): Arguments to be added.

static run(args)

Runs oclimax function using command line arguments.


args (argparse): Command line arguments added to parser using the function add_arguments.

dcs.oclimax.oclimax(params=None, task=0, e_unit=0)

Creates folder 3-oclimax, writes oclimax parameters file in folder and runs oclimax simulation.


params (str, optional): Oclimax parameters file defined in write_params function. Defaults to None. task (int, optional): Defines approximation method.

0:inc approx. 1:coh+inc. 2:single-xtal Q-E. 3:single-xtal Q-Q. Defaults to 0.

e_unit (int, optional): Defines energy unit. Defaults to 0.


Creates plot using csv file (oclimax output with INS data) and saves as a png. Plots energy (meV) versus Normalized intensity.

If convert.done file doesn’t exist, runs OCLIMAX convert. Converts input mesh to out.oclimax;

out.oclimax is the OCLIMAX format for mesh type files.


params (str): Oclimax parameters file name defined in write_params function.

dcs.oclimax.write_params(task, e_unit)

Creates parameters file for Oclimax.

task (int): Defines approximation method where

0:inc approx. 1:coh+inc. 2:single-xtal Q-E. 3:single-xtal Q-Q.

e_unit (int): Defines energy units such that 0:cm-1 1:meV 2:THz.

dcs.phonons module

class dcs.phonons.CLICommand

Bases: object

Calculate phonons

static add_arguments(parser)

Sets up command line to run phonopy i.e. recognize arguments and commands.


parser (argparse): Arguments to be added.

static run(args)

Runs phonons function using command line arguments.


args (argparse): Command line arguments added to parser using the function add_arguments.

dcs.phonons.calculate_forces(mode, kwargs, dir)

Runs single point energy calculation.


kforce (list): Number of k points for force calculations. mode (str): Calculator used for task. Options are ‘dftbp’, ‘chimes’, ‘vasp’, or ‘castep’. T (int, optional): Simulation temperature. Only used for DFTB+ and ChIMES. dir (str): Directory to change to and run calculator in.

dcs.phonons.calculate_mesh(mesh, mode)

Creates Phonopy force sets for specified calculator and runs mesh sampling phonon calculation.


mesh (list): Uniform meshes for each axis. mode (str): Calculator used for task. Options are ‘dftbp’, ‘chimes’, ‘vasp’, or ‘castep’.

dcs.phonons.calculator_kwargs(kforce, mode, T, folder='.')
dcs.phonons.generate_supercell(dim, mode)

Reads in the molecule structure file and creates displacements.


dim (list): Dimensions of the supercell. mode (str): Calculator used for the task. Options are ‘dftbp’ or ‘chimes’.

dcs.phonons.multi_forces(kforce, mode, T, folder, mpi=False)
Calls calculate_forces function using parallel processing,

calculates forces for specified mode.


kforce (list): Number of k points for force calculations. mode (str): Calculator used for task. Options are ‘dftbp’, ‘chimes’, ‘vasp’, or ‘castep’. mpi (bool, optional): Not currently implemented. Defaults to False.

Finds supercell displacement files and formats the name.

Creates directory with supercell displacement number,

and moves supercell displacement file into created directory.


mode (str): Calculator used for task. Options are ‘dftbp’, ‘chimes’, ‘vasp’, or ‘castep’.

dcs.phonons.phonons(dim=[4, 4, 4], kforce=[1, 1, 1], mesh=[8, 8, 8], calc='dftbp', T=5)

Runs phonon supercell displacement calculations, populates 2-phonons folder with results.


dim (list, optional): Dimensions of the supercell. Defaults to [4, 4, 4]. kforce (list, optional): Number of k points for force calculations. Defaults to [1, 1, 1]. mesh (list, optional): Uniform meshes for each axis. Defaults to [8, 8, 8]. calc (str, optional): Calculator used for task. Options are ‘dftbp’, ‘chimes’, ‘vasp’, or ‘castep’. Defaults to ‘dftbp’. T (int, optional): Simulation temperature. Defaults to 5K. Only used for DFTB+ and ChIMES.


NotImplementedError: Raised if ‘calc’ specified is not available.

dcs.phonons.write_params(kforce, mode, T)

Writes json file with default arguments for the relaxation calculator.

dcs.relax module

class dcs.relax.CLICommand

Bases: object

Optimize structure

static add_arguments(parser)

Sets up command line to run relax script i.e. recognize arguments and commands.


parser (argparse): Arguments to be added.

static run(args)

Runs relax.py functions using command line arguments.


args (argparse): Command line arguments added to parser using the function add_arguments.

dcs.relax.calculator_kwargs(krelax, fmax, geo, mode, T, folder='.')
Searches the current working directory for the molecular structure file.

Allowed file types are .cif, .gen, .sdf, or .xyz.


folder (str): The current working directory.


str: Molecular structure file.

dcs.relax.relax(krelax=[6, 6, 6], fmax=0.05, geo=None, calc='dftbp', T=5)

Finds the geometry file and optimizes the structure using the specified calculator (Populates 1-optimization folder with results).


krelax (list, optional): Number of k points for relaxation. Defaults to [6, 6, 6]. fmax (float, optional): Maximum allowed force for convergence between atoms. Defaults to 0.01. geo (str, optional): Geometry file or structure.

Allowed file types are .cif, .gen, .sdf, or .xyz. Defaults to None.

calc (str, optional): Calculator used. Options are ‘dftbp’, ‘chimes’, or ‘vasp’. Defaults to ‘dftbp’. T (int, optional): Simulation temperature. Defaults to 5K. Only used for DFTB+ and ChIMES.

dcs.relax.relax_structure(krelax, fmax, geo, mode, T, folder)

Defines arguments for specified calculator and optimizes the structure.


krelax (list): Number of k points for relaxation. fmax (float): Maximum allowed force for convergence between atoms. geo (str): Geometry file or structure. Allowed file types are .cif, .gen, .sdf, or .xyz. mode (str): Calculator used. Options are ‘dftbp’, ‘chimes’, ‘vasp’, or ‘castep’. T (int, optional): Simulation temperature. Only used for DFTB+ and ChIMES.


NotImplementedError: If specified calculator is not an option for mode, error raised.

dcs.relax.write_params(krelax, fmax, geo, mode, T)

Writes json file with default arguments for the relaxation calculator.

dcs.train module

class dcs.train.CLICommand

Bases: object

Workflow to run DFT-MD and train ChIMES model

static add_arguments(parser)

Sets up command line to run train script i.e. recognize arguments and commands.


parser (argparse): Arguments to be added.

static run(args)

Runs train function using command line arguments.


args (argparse): Command line arguments added to parser using the function add_arguments.


Calls functions related to the training workflow (relax, md, chimes) with a timer using specified parameters in train_params.json, else with default parameters. Creates 0-train directory.


dct (dict, optional): JSON file with specified parameters for relax, md, and chimes functions. Defaults to ‘train_params.json’.


Writes a json file with the arguments and default values for realx, md, and chimes functions.

dcs.workflow module

class dcs.workflow.CLICommand

Bases: object

Workflow to relax structure, calculate phonons and calculate INS spectrum

static add_arguments(parser)

Sets up command line to run workflow script i.e. recognize arguments and commands.


parser (argparse): Arguments to be added.

static run(args)

Runs workflow function using command line arguments.


args (argparse): Command line arguments added to parser using the function add_arguments.


Calls all workflow functions (relax, phonon, oclimax) with a timer using specified parameters in workflow_params.json, else with default parameters.


dct (dict, optional): Specified parameters for relax, phonons, and oclimax functions. Defaults to None.


Writes json file with default arguments from relax, phonons, and oclimax scripts.

Module contents


Changes the working directory to folder if not already current wd.


folder (str): Name of folder to make wd.


Create .done file for task as f and closes.


mode (str): Name of task finished.


Inspects function func for argument names and default arguments.


func (func): Input function to inspect.


dict: Keys are argumnent names, values are the default arguments.


Checks for .done file.


mode (str): Calculator used for task/specified.


bool: True if mode.done files exists, false if mode.done doesn’t exist.


Creates folder in current wd unless OSError occurs.


folder (str): Name of folder to create.


Creates a temporary directory.


str: Temporary directory name.


Creates .out and .err files for specified task.


task (str): Name of task.


Reads specified json file.


filename (str): Full name of json file.


dict: Dictionary with data specified by json file.

dcs.write_json(filename, data)

Creates json file with specified name and data.


filename (string): Name of json file. Must include .json. data (dict): Dictionary with data.